Check it out…the initial S-SW swell has already started filling in today. (This will strengthen into Wednesday. Then a second, stronger S-SW’er will fill in late Wednesday and peak Thursday and Friday…yeah S swell for everyone!)

This is a shot from one of the best buoy websites out there (both out of free and paid websites). It is run out of the Scripps group down in San Diego...and you can access the data from this link here or from the link list on the right hand side of the blog.
On Wednesday we will have a mix of S-SW swell (190-210) and blend of WNW energy. A few spots will get left out of the swell mix so I will break it down by region to be a little clearer.
Santa Barbara’s surf will be pretty shadowed from both of these swells (damn Channel Islands!). Expect most spots to hold in the knee-waist high range while a few of the more exposed areas, near the southern county border, will have some chest high sets.
Ventura is more exposed to the swell mix…expect north county spots, particularly the points, to be smaller mostly knee-chest high. South County breaks will have shoulder high+ sets at the better beach breaks.
LA County will be pretty fun…northern LA and the north half of the South Bay will be in the waist-chest+shoulder high range while a few of the standout breaks see some inconsistent head high sets mixing in…particularly by the afternoon. The South Bay breaks may be a little more consistent and crossed up as it pulls in more of the WNW swell.
Orange and San Diego counties will be the biggest. Expect most S facing breaks to be in the chest-shoulder high range with head high sets. The standout S swell spots and really good combo breaks will be more consistently in the head high range and we can expect a few bigger waves sneaking through as we hit the afternoon.
Winds and weather look OK in the morning. Mostly light and variable to light onshore out of the S as a slight eddy starts to form…it should be surfable most spots but maybe a little lumpy at the most unprotected beaches. The afternoon should be a drag…NW winds 10-20 knots build in quickly through the second half of the day.
Your best bet is going to be to get on it early before the wind starts to tear it up. Head to SD and OC is you are looking for bigger waves…but any S facing spot (that isn’t heavily shadowed) should be pretty fun. Remember not to burn yourself out…there will be more S swell on tap through the rest of the week and the weekend.
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