We have a couple of leftover swells in the water...some weakening SW energy and touch of NW swell that is holding in the background. Here is the CDIP from this afternoon...it is going to be very similar tomorrow.

Look for most spots to be in the knee-waist high range tomorrow, with nearly flat to shorebreaky shape as the high tide peaks midmorning. Top combo spots, mostly in San Diego, which is doing slightly better on picking up some of the NW energy, we will have some chest high sets...but again expect tide problems at most breaks.
Winds look ok in the morning...mostly light and variable through midmorning. Looks like there is still a chance at some fog...at least according to the NWS models but I would probably get up and check the cams for visibility and see if we get lucky like we did on Tuesday. Afternoon winds come onshore out of the NW around 10-15 knots.
I would probably plan on getting some work done tomorrow...or chores...or just catching up on some sleep...there just isn't much going on surfwise tomorrow. It won't be totally flat but it won't be worth spending much time surfing. That being said it won't be a bad beginner day, the waves will be soft, probably uncrowded, so you might be able to get a little training session in. Bring your small wave gear, longboards will be best, and try and pick a spot that can handle the tide.
03:10AM 1.8' Low
09:16AM 6.0' High
04:28PM -0.2' Low
10:39PM 3.8' High
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