Naturally no one at the Weekly bothered to tell me that I won anything (they probably just didn’t want me crashing the awards party)…but I am pretty stoked nonetheless. I haven’t actually seen the paper but my section is probably wedged somewhere between the Cannabis Club and the Escort ads. Anyways…just thought I would share.
Check out the online version when you get a chance…
Thanks OC Weekly!
Sorry about the crosover posters on the random update section below.
Baked, angry, frustrated postersOh well long as they are ad clickers!
How did you find out - picking up the paper at Starbucks? Winning an award you didn't even know existed is pretty darn cool.
It was probably a bit of a disconnect - best surf report? Hmm, who could that be? SoCal surf forecast - hey, that's me!
Please keep up the fine damn work.
RIGHT ON!!! That is sooooo well deserved! I honestly don't think that there is anyone as dedicated to his audience as you in forecasting.
Keep up the great work... Your buds are cheering for ya!
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