Our surf is going to remain small thanks to just a general lack of swell. There will be some small WNW windswell and weak SSW energy in the water...but really I wouldn’t even be calling these weak pulses “swell” if there was anything else in the water. While I was watching the beach this morning I saw boatwake break bigger than the swell mix currently showing...on the same note there was not a single person on the South Side of HB pier when I was looking at it...that alone should be a sign of the apocalypse.
Wave heights for the weekend will be around knee high...maybe knee high+ at a few of the top combo spots. Knee high might even be generous for a few spots out there.
Weatherwise over the weekend it should continue to be ok...a bit chilly but mostly sunny. Winds will remain light to light-offshore through the mornings and light onshore through the afternoons.
I wish I had someplace to send you...some magical land where the weather was warm, the surf was pumping, where the women flocked like the salmon of Capistrano, and the beer flowed like wine...but I don’t...so we might have to stay inside and play xbox and watch football (aka Hibernate) or go snowboarding, which is always a good back up.
Anyway here is another random motivational poster that I found today...sorry if the verbage is a bit crude.

No it most certainly isn’t
Have a good one...maybe we will get some waves next week!
My woman left town
to visit the fam.
Work slowed down
and I'm ready to scram.
Everyone is outa town
and the traffic is light,
but I feel like a clown
as there's no wave in sight.
boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoos,
I guess I'll drink beer
to drown my surf drought blues
dude, what the heck is that picture about? kinda vulgar, bro.
Ummmm....not a bro!!! Names Maria. Look at it from my perspective.
Maria - yes, I can see what you mean.
Adam, Adam, Adam - dude, Mammoth and the local mountains got some of the largest one-day snow totals in recorded history.
Where do you think everyone has gone? Jeez.
Way funny Adam, you have my full support.
You people need help.
It took me a minute. Then I recognized this family and I got the clown car allusion.
Was I supposed to be offended? I didn't get the memo. I'm sorry but the reference to a clown car is pretty damn clever.
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