Swellwise we are going to see a new WNW swell (280-300) move in this evening, peak early on Saturday, and hold into Sunday before slowly fading out. We will also have a small but slowly increasing SW swell (190-210) that begins to fill in a touch on Saturday but eventually peaks on Sunday.
Wave height for the average exposed areas will be in the waist-chest high range with some chest-shoulder high sets at times.
Standout breaks, mostly the top WNW facing spots in Ventura and San Diego as well as a few good combo breaks, will have surf in the shoulder-head high range with some overhead sets mixing in.
Weather/Wind looks good for both mornings (well except for the fog). We will have light and variable to light offshore winds for both mornings (more offshore on Saturday) and just variable winds below 12 knots for the afternoons. Sunday afternoon/evening we may see winds start to switch around to the S-SE.
Check out the COAMPS Forecast on Saturday Morning

And Sunday Morning

There are going to be plenty of waves this weekend but you are definitely going to have to stick to the top WNW facing breaks in V-town and San Diego if you are looking for consistently larger surf. Really though I think that we are going to be able to have some fun at most spots, particularly breaks that can pull in the swell combo, which is good for me since I am sort of locked into the local beach breaks for the weekend. I would probably try and hit it in the mornings if you want clean conditions but it should stay fairly surfable through the afternoons as well.
Here are the tides
05:28AM LST 5.3' H
12:13PM LST 0.9' L
05:54PM LST 3.8' H
11:37PM LST 1.2' L
05:59AM LST 5.6' H
12:58PM LST 0.4' L
06:52PM LST 3.7' H
Have a good one...hope you score a few!
Still tiny out there, but at least Harvest is now showing while California has already peaked.
N Baja would be great; unfortunately there is this small matter of large scale murder & mayhem to contend with.
Hey Adam,
I know this is kind of a hopeless question, but what do you predict surfwise for the coming week? I'm going to be home from school next week and it'll be the first time I've surfed in a few months. Any chance at some good waves? Thanks man!
definitely looking forward to the crowds and barneys and groms and wave hogs.. SYKE! why couldn't this be a swell on like a Wednesday morning during a chargers game or something instead of SATURDAY, the weekend before thanksgiving??? might as well stay home, right? Can you tell i'm going a little psycho due to the fact that its been ankle high for the last couple days? ahhhhh ok... deep breath....
SB will have surf you think adam?
freakin fog! waves were great this morning, well, what i could see of them. I couldn't see them until they were flippin right on top of me, thus causing blind bomb drops and then frantically hoping for a line to work before a kick-ass closeout on my head. mystic fog surfing or blind pilot surfing, you tell me. crazy session, that's for sure.
ok where were the waves? HB = SHITY.... so where in OC where the waves?
cheerupcheerio can i marry you?
Before you ask cheerupcheerio to marry you... you know that's a dude disguised as a really cute chick, right?
Sorry cheerupcheerio... just picking on Argentinians... First and last time I do that...
"ok where were the waves? HB = SHITY.... so where in OC where the waves?"
your an idiot, what do you think top WNW facing spots means?
everybody is all swell thirsty lol.
Santa Barbara and V-land had some perfect 6-7 foot waves this am. Sunny sky's and all..
yep.. cheerupcheerio is probably a guy with a fake picture.. sadly :(
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