We are going to have basically weak leftovers in the water...a touch of background SW swell and a little bit of WNW energy. Most spots will be in the ankle-knee high range while the standouts see some inconsistent gutless knee-waist high sets.
Check out the CDIP map...I think that my highly trained professional assessment sums up our surf the best.

Winds will be good, but really who cares.
Tomorrow is going to be a paddle around day...don't plan on catching much even at the top spots. I would bring the big boards...something to make the most of the weak energy. I definitely wouldn't drive anywhere if you don't have too.
Here are the tides
04:13AM LST 4.5' High
10:07AM LST 2.2' Low
03:24PM LST 4.1' High
10:11PM LST 0.6' Low
So you think SB will be good Sat? We have not had surf up here for sometime, would be nice if we got some good ones.
that's some depressing blogging.
Its like a rest day before the big swell this weekend and all next week, yay!!!!!!
Actually had a great morning session at IB today. I figured if most other places sucked, IB would be okay, and it was. I don't know why, but whenever I hear the surf is gonna suck everywhere else, I head to IB and it is always at least 3-4 feet when everywhere else is 1-2 feet. Always taking a chance there with the pollution, but it seemed clean today and I got a 3 hour very consistent session in with plenty of open face and lip smackability!
Yeah I think SB should be fun on Saturday (there may even be a few waves Friday evening). Winds look good too, which is always nice.
It won't be that big or anything...probably around waist-chest high, but a few bigger sets might sneak into the better exposed breaks near the southern part of the county. Don't look for much further up the coast...I don't think it will be big enough to make it work up there.
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