We are going to have a mix of mostly S-SW energy (180-205) from a couple of smaller overlapping swells. There will only be some small background swell out of the WNW but overall it will be smaller than what we have seen over the last couple of days.

a little bleak out there right now...
Wave heights will be in the knee-waist high range for spots that can handle the high tide in the morning (the ones that can't are going to be pretty small). The better S facing breaks and decent combo spots will be closer to waist high+ with sets...and the top S facing breaks and top combo spots through OC and San Diego will have a few chest-chest high+ sets. Expect to be waiting a while between the bigger waves though.
Winds are forecast to be similar to Thursday...mostly light to moderately offshore through the morning along with cold crisp morning air temps. NW winds come onshore around 10-14 knots through the afternoon.
Like I said above the conditions, and the fact that it won't be totally flat, keeps it in the surfable range tomorrow...it won't be super exciting but it will be better than say being tied to a computer and forced to work on TPS reports or something. I would plan on staying local, pick a spot that can handle the tide, and if you can aim for midmorning so that there will be a little less water and you don't freeze your nads off in the dawn patrol.

Here are the tides
05:14AM LST 4.2' High
11:06AM LST 2.4' Low
04:18PM LST 3.9' High
11:00PM LST 0.9' Low
Uhhhhh...maybe it's just me, but one look at ol' Sue there and I'm thinkin'- "no wonder her mug is all over a hair removal product"...I'm talking carpet from wall to wall, upstairs and down, and even some shag in the basement cellar...I mean, what brand of shaver does she use, Briggs & Stratton ??? I'm just sayin"...
It's still super clean as of lunchtime, but pretty small. Take a long board if you want to get wet.
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