Our swell will be a mix of sort of holding WNW-NW short-period energy (not totally windswell but very similar), some new NW swell (290-300), and some trace SW swell (200-220) that will hold through the background. Again most of the WNW-NW swell energy (from both swells) will be coming in around the 290-300 degree range…which means that there will be a fair amount of swell shadowing…check out the CDIP swell map and you can see how the energy will be pushing through the islands and around point conception.

Most spots are going to be in the knee-waist high range tomorrow…smaller and less consistent at spots without NW exposure. The better WNW-NW facing spots will be in the waist-chest high range…as well as a few of the better combo breaks. The top NW facing breaks, in Ventura, the South Bay, and parts of San Diego, will have some chest-shoulder high sets…particularly as the new, longer-period energy starts to fill in during the afternoon.
We will have offshore winds for the morning. SB and Ventura areas will see NE winds 10-15+ knots (with gusts nearing 20-25 knots at times). LA down through San Diego will be more NE around 5-10 knots but still nice and clean. Looks like winds will stay light through midday and then turn variable onshore by mid-afternoon. With these sort of conditions I would keep an eye on things around the end of the day…good chance that winds will lay down or even turn offshore again…so there may be a chance for an evening cleanup.
So like I said…Tuesday will be a surf day…nothing spectacular for most areas, but rideable and clean throughout our region…and a few “more-fun” spots that can pull in the NW energy. I would plan on bringing your smaller-wave gear to the beach…longboards and fishy boards will probably be the most fun…a few of the top NW spots might let you get away with something a little sportier.
Here are the tides…
11/24/2009 Tue
03:53AM LST 3.8 H
09:21AM LST 3.0 L
01:57PM LST 3.6 H
09:18PM LST 1.1 L
Hey gang…from the comments I saw on the forecast yesterday it sounds like the regional forecasts aren’t as fun as this one. They are a bit of a pain to do…so if you guys dig them let me know. I will probably put up a poll in a little bit…

yup...i'm good with no regional forecast.
i don't ever check the regionals and i'm in SD; your general forecast is good enough
I also like that it seems like you're leaving a little lee way in the forecast to not give everything away in terms of best spots, etc. Good call if that's the case.
Bingo! shine the regionals,
this ain't the Glee club.
(or the Cheerios!)
(Fox network 9 pm Wedsnesdays)
By the way, now that it's become popular i confess i was the original whiner,
I was enjoying the regional forecasts.
I'm also a fan of the Regional forecasts!
Keep up the great work Adam!
Feature Request: At the start of each report where you say whether it's going to be a surf day or not, can you include a graphic? maybe a thumbs-up or green light for surf days while non-surf days can be represented by a cat sleeping, etc.
Please keep the regional forecasts.
i, too, like the regionals. keep it up, please.
i wish i knew how to read all the maps. I just go with your written comments and those kick butt. thanks for doing it.
divided on it. i like it all, but don't want you to work too much.
I think the regionals are a great idea, but then its two things I have to check as I don't know what other info might be on the main page. I do love having specialized regional info. so maybe just keep regional forecasts sectioned in the main page similar to how it is maybe with a little more detail. having separate pages is a bit of a pain for us all I think
head high sets in south san diego this morning. break your face shallow sandbars at the beach break, but if you got a shoulder, you knew the joy.
Today was a good day.
today was a very good day. right tides were golden beachie love
Adam, my vote is to drop the regional. You give plenty of excellent info in your reg forecast.
If someone needs there hand held more on where to surf, they can look elsewhere. My 2 cents.
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