And here are the dims for all you number junkies…
6’6” / 23.75” / 2.75” with a little extra glass 12oz on the top and 10oz on the bottom…try and keep in mind that I am about 6’1” and 240lbs…so this is one of my little boards. :)

I have another one of Tim’s boards…about the same template but with less rocker and a quad setup…the thing works so good that I had to get another with some extra drive off the bottom.
If you are in the market for a new board…or just want to see some of his lineup…check out his website.
Fortunately for us…Tim made me go home and do a special board cleansing dance (not sure why I had to be naked…yeah that was awkward for the neighbors) so that I wouldn’t bring down the “new board curse” on the swell for the weekend.
Very nice Adam, I just got a Sakal, with red lightning bolts
It's a beaut.
I know it varies, but what was the damage for your new whip? I'm looking to get a custom deck.
I talked to Tim a few months ago about getting an EPS/epoxy. There is still a lot of debate, with some claiming even small dings suck a lot of water. OTOH, PU/PE seem to last only around 6mos before they go completely stale.
If you go through Tim directly, he can set you up for a very reasonable price. He produces really high quality boards - here's a review some other local guy wrote last year:
Sick, man...i have 2 of Tim's boards in my quiver now and love 'em. Great guy to work with, too...shakas.
No more dancing for you, unless you go to san o trail 5,
have fun, Mavs is in the launchpad,
Ranch here i come.
Oh and wait ago supporting a local shaper and not feeding some corporate machine and being another freaking AL Merick Clone.
No Merrick's in OC, beat it!!!
Real board bulders, worldwide only!!
nice! too much rocker though... i like flat!
Remeber this:
"Dear Comrad Party Member:
Please not offended that I am not riding an Al Merick, official board of the Worlwide Socialistic Party.
I am currently contacting the evil communist corporate machine to CLONE me a new board in China. Then I will be in complete compliance with all Marxian decress and we can all be one equal mass of humannity, promoting the same philosophies to rule the universe.
In solidarity,
Anotheitoli Brainwashedowski"
Brought to you by,
thanks, Adam. you give a bigger guy like me hope! as the years go by gravity is pullin me down. i'll need a board with those dimensions here in a few years.
Nice deck Adam!
Yr 'little boards' could be my SUP! :)
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