The S-SSW swell (180-200) will continue on Tuesday, with a touch of NW windswell filling in through the background (probably not enough to break up the Southern Hemi though). The swell will hold solid through the day and slowly turn more southerly in swell direction.

Wave heights will continue to average around chest-head high at the average exposed areas. Make sure to really look at the CDIP map...there are some shadowed areas like parts of Northern LA as you get closer to Santa Monica, as well as some of the North/Central SD areas (there is a gap from La Jolla on up to about Oceanside)...those shadowed areas are going to be smaller/less consistent than the “average areas”.
The standout S facing breaks, mostly through Orange County (and in a few other spots as well), will be more consistently in the shoulder-head high range with overhead sets mixing in...sometimes going overhead+ on the lower tides. The 5’+ midday high tide has been causing some shape issues as try to plan around that if you can.
Winds will be ok...not great...but not all that bad either. Expect variable onshore winds below the 4-5 knots. Areas that can usually knock down the wind (with kelp or high cliffs) will be the cleanest. Look for WNW winds 10-14 knots by the afternoon.

Points and reefs are going to continue to have the best shape tomorrow...the open beach breaks are still a bit walled up, surfable but not as fun as spots that can string together more makeable sections. It seems like the first part of this swell has been a bit inconsistent on the bigger waves...but there is still more energy on the way in, so hopefully we will be able to squeeze more consistency out of it over the next couple of days. are going to want to stay away from the high tide...that thing has been swamp-thing-ing shape like nobody’s business.
Here are the tides...
01:10AM LDT 3.6 H
06:38AM LDT 1.8 L
01:10PM LDT 5.2 H (swamp thing!)
08:38PM LDT 1.1 L
Yes that high tide has been so swampy and a wave nixer!
Im calling 32nd or 36th street newps tomorrow, better shape off the jetty, be a bit smaller but longer rides!
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