The minimal mix of swell will continue to leak through on Tuesday. Yeah there are a couple of longboard peaks here and there but for the most part it is pretty f-ing small. We are basically just working off a mix of weak background swell energy and some small windswell.
Surfwise we can expect wave heights to hold in the ankle-knee high range at most of the average spots on Tuesday…and knee high might be generous at times. The top NW facing spots, mostly in San Diego, will have more consistent knee high sets with a couple of soft knee high+ peaks sneaking though at times.
Winds look good…mostly light and variable to light offshore for the morning. NW winds around 10-12 knots with some stronger gusts move in through the afternoon. Mostly sunny skies again as well.
It will be another day for the small wave gear…longboards are the best call if you weigh over 100lbs. Expect cold water, mostly clean conditions, and small to almost flat surf at most spots. The top NW spots will be marginally better but won’t be worth driving any sort of distance to surf…in fact unless you are just jonesing for paddle I wouldn’t drive more than a few miles to get to the beach…but that might just be my small-surf frustration poking through…anyways at least there will be some bigger waves arriving later this week.
Oh I came up with a good plan for SoCal to get a lot more surf…check it out…

…all I need is a whole lot of dynamite, some bulldozers, and just a few dredges and we should be able to pull it off. (Sorry Santa Barbara…I did leave Rincon, which should make you feel better)
Anyway enough of my particular crazy…here are the tides
02:24AM LST 4.9 H
10:47AM LST 0.5 L
05:48PM LST 2.5 H
08:20PM LST 2.4 L
lets fire up the nukes!!!!!!!!call hezzbalah, al qaeda, and iran... they do it......... heck we need surf........
Is the swell comming later in the week part of the Obama bail out package?
Your plan sucks for more waves, the Hollister ranch would be gone and with it... well enough said,
Hahaha the poor Ranch & its local barnos losing their precious wave would be worth it ;)
When your done, head back down and toss a few sticks out when you go past the breakwater
Hey, I've got an idea- let's all move to Hawaii!!!
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