These first 2 are screen grabs from the HB city camera…

Here are a few that I shot down at Newport Pier…right before a wave jumped the breakwall and sent my 4 year old scampering into the middle of the street.

And here are a few of Seal Beach from blog reader Joshua…

And finally there was a bunch of other chaos up in Seal where waves were washing over the berms and flooding the parking lot. Check out this slideshow over on’s What the Blank??? blog.
I got to get up that way and give it a shot sometime!
Sunday was definitely one of the best (if not the best) days of the winter. i went out to sunset point after hiking in the mountains nearby, watching the lines come in was awesome. the waves were super consistent, about 4-5 feet and long rides. it wasnt too windy in the afternoon either
prety small up there compared to SD (even north county)
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