We are going to have a mix of new S-SSW swell (180-200) filling in with some long-period energy while the bigger pulse of S swell continues to fade out. NW windswell will start off with mostly leftovers but we can expect it to start to pulse up again by the end of the day.

Sizewise it looks like most spots will feel a little smaller through Wednesday morning as the second swell starts off with some 19-20 second period energy (but very small swell heights)…which basically means our surf will be mostly leftover energy from the S and NW. Average spots are going to be in the chest high range with a few inconsistent shoulder high sets showing at the better exposed combo spots. The standout S facing breaks and excellent combo breaks will be in the chest-head high range…possibly a little bigger on the lower tides…not all that consistent on the bigger sets though.
Winds look pretty marginal on Wednesday. Santa Barbara on through LA county will see light W-NW winds around 8-10 knots for the morning…possibly stronger the closer you get to Point Conception. Orange County and San Diego will have more variable flow on tap for the morning…the COAMPS is showing a weak front moving through around that time…so pessimist in me thinks that the variable direction will mostly be onshore. I would definitely give the winds or cams a check before committing too much time to hunting down surf. 10-15 knot W-NW winds will return for most areas by the afternoon.

So like I said…not that great…but at least some potential for manageable/rideable conditions to show through the morning. The early morning high tide isn’t going to help things…fortunately it isn’t a full on swampthing. Plan on surfing early…looks like the cleanest conditions will be on tap for the morning.
Here are the tides…
05/26/2010 Wednesday
03:13AM LDT -1.0 L
09:26AM LDT 3.6 H
02:21PM LDT 1.7 L
08:33PM LDT 6.2 H
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