Thursday, December 10, 2009

After-Action Report

Now that this WNW swell has sort of passed its peak I wanted to try something new and guess what? I want you all to be my guinea pigs. (Insert maniacal laughter here).

Actually it isn’t that bad…I was just wondering if you guys would mind filling out an “after-action” report on how this swell behaved throughout Socal...and since nothing provides better feedback than hearing from actual people who surfed during the swell I thought you might be able to help me.

I put together a really quick survey over at the surveymonkey website…it is super short...and just asks you how your session went and where you surfed.

Your personal responses will be confidential…but I thought I would put together a little post-swell analysis that I would share on the website.

Anyway…if you feel like participating here is the link…

Click here to fill out the after-action report

If you surfed more than once during the past couple of days feel free to run through the survey for each session.

Thanks everyone!

here is the link again if you need to copy/paste it into your browser for some reason


  1. Nice work, enjoy your posts. please keep 'em coming. Wed. morning was all time in PV. All time. Your explanation on how the 20 sec. long period swell mixes it up was spot on. Thanks. Michael

  2. Adam, the survey site doesn't allow multiple answers. For example, on Wed I was on my way to PV, but ended up going out at the Cliffs since it looked like it was semi-peaky clean & holding.

    After hanging there for 1.5 hrs, I split as the wind/tide began changed. I ended up in PV, and as the poster above indicated, it was pretty good. Big enough for a short board (closed out the Cove end-end a few times) and sunny.

    The next day it was obvious the swell had dropped, so I took my even shorter board back to the Cliffs. Wrong! Smaller, but completely closed out. Wasted an hour looking around, then bit the bullet.

    Went back home, grabbed my long board off the racks, and headed back to the Cove. Even though it was smaller, the shape was actually better. As you mentioned, as the period shortened, the normal peaks started showing again.

  3. please don't post your after action report here.
    it is for Adam only.
    unless you want spanky the and the whole gang, the sweat hogs, the eight is enough family, the brady bunch, the superheroes form the hall of justice and all the inmates in California that get released early this year clogging and crowding your lineup next time.

  4. Well said! Be lower key please!

    Anonymous said...

    please don't post your after action report here.
    it is for Adam only.
    unless you want spanky the and the whole gang, the sweat hogs, the eight is enough family, the brady bunch, the superheroes form the hall of justice and all the inmates in California that get released early this year clogging and crowding your lineup next time.
