Sunday, October 11, 2009

OC Weekly picks the SoCal Surf Forecast as “Best of OC 2009”!

Totally out of the blue…my little surf forecast got selected as one of the “Best of OC 2009” by the OC Weekly.

Naturally no one at the Weekly bothered to tell me that I won anything (they probably just didn’t want me crashing the awards party)…but I am pretty stoked nonetheless. I haven’t actually seen the paper but my section is probably wedged somewhere between the Cannabis Club and the Escort ads. Anyways…just thought I would share.

Check out the online version when you get a chance…

Thanks OC Weekly!


  1. Congrats!
    Sorry about the crosover posters on the random update section below.
    Baked, angry, frustrated postersOh well long as they are ad clickers!

  2. How did you find out - picking up the paper at Starbucks? Winning an award you didn't even know existed is pretty darn cool.

    It was probably a bit of a disconnect - best surf report? Hmm, who could that be? SoCal surf forecast - hey, that's me!

    Please keep up the fine damn work.

  3. RIGHT ON!!! That is sooooo well deserved! I honestly don't think that there is anyone as dedicated to his audience as you in forecasting.

    Keep up the great work... Your buds are cheering for ya!
