Monday, October 13, 2008

Tuesday's Surf - more Santa Ana winds but not much surf

Tuesday is not looking like a surf day at least in the morning.

I hunted around for some waves on Monday even though I knew that there wasn't much out there. I don't know about you guys but I always find it is pretty frustrating to have Santa Ana winds with no surf...seems like it should be illegal or something. So every time we get these winds I always have to drive down to the beach just to make sure it is is almost like OCD or something. Anyway enough about my ongoing need for therapy. This sort of sums up my surf search this morning.

Man we ain't found sh$t!

For Tuesday there isn't going to be much swell showing in the morning...we can expect mostly leftovers and a 5'+ high tide that is going to bury any small surf that we would have seen.

So for the dawn patrol I am expecting most spots to be in the knee-high range with a few waist high sets sneaking through on the absolute best sandbars. Winds will be offshore (sometimes strongly offshore) so look for tiny dumpy closeouts with a lot of offshore spray. It will look pretty but don't plan on surfing much.

By the afternoon we will start to see a slow increase in surf, as well as better tides, (winds sort of screw us by then though). We have a new SW swell (200-210) and a new WNW swell (290-300). The WNW'er will hit primarily in Ventura and the South Bay before sundown (it hits more in San Diego after dark), and the SW'er will hit more in Orange County and N. San Diego. Those areas with exposure to the new swells will have some more consistent waist-chest high waves by the afternoon. Windwise it looks like the Santa Ana's that we have all morning will shift onshore out of the WNW and blow around 10-15 knots for the afternoon. (Sucks that when we finally get waves conditions poo on uss.)

I would plan on taking it easy tomorrow morning...the high tide really is going to shut things down. I am planning on watching the cameras and keeping an eye on them around lunchtime...I am sort of crossing my fingers that a little of the new swell can slip in before the winds start to switch around...I am not holding my breath but it is worth a few minutes of time on the computer.

Looks like Wednesday will be a better surf day...the Santa Ana's will shut down but the new WNW/SW swell mix will start to peak and it looks like clean conditions most of the day. More details on Wednesday tomorrow.

Tides on Tuesday

02:54AM 0.9' Low
08:57AM 6.0' High
03:42PM -0.3' Low
09:44PM 4.6i High


  1. Thanks , just changed my morning plans back to work.

  2. offshore wind sucks without some swells :(

  3. all that criticism from others for my love of santa ana winds for nothing :( how can one love the winds when they don't love you back with at least a little bit of swell?

  4. Pizza the hutt! We need surf!

    May the schwartz be with you Adam!!!!!
