Friday, May 2, 2008

6.0 Lowers Pro Photos - Twisting the knife

So I went down to the 6.0 Lowers Pro this morning and it was firing…which was to be expected because I have daddy-daycare duties today and absolutely zero chance to surf.

But since 3 year olds can go to surf contests and sit on the beach I decided to torture myself by taking photos of Lowers this morning.

Really it is almost to painful to talk about…here just look at the pictures and you will see what I mean. I took all of these photos within about 35-40 minutes of arriving at Trestles.

(if you get this post as an email you may have trouble seeing the images…make sure to go to the blog itself to see all the gory details).

Lowers version of a skatepark

Look it breaks both ways!

Sick series...seriously the guy had 3 more turns that I could have put in this series that were just as good.

Set out the back

Well at least it is not a Toll Road...

They pimped my takes me right back to gradeschool

Some of the rights were connecting down to the whitewash at Middles

It was almost impossible not to throw spray

A frustrated pack at Uppers...lots of people burning each other while yelling swear words at the contest.

Even Middles had a couple of decent ones

As you can see it was a bit hard to watch...and fortunately for my sanity the wind started to pick up so I had an excuse to go home.

But if you have some time to kill this afternoon check out the full album...I shot about 200 photos so expect to take a while to get through them.

Click on the photo icon below to go to the gallery...

6.0 Lowers Pro Photos 5.2.08

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